Posts Tagged ‘wire’

Give A Plant A Home

Hello folks! I’m back with a quick and easy DIY idea for you all to rustle up. In a (possibly short lived) celebration of resurrecting my air plants, I decided to give them a new and improved home. I used my old time favourite, polymer clay to make my green friends king of their castle. I…

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Workspace Goals

I’ve noticed that recently a lot of my DIY projects seem to be veering towards organisation. Perhaps it’s an conscious attempt to stop things spiralling into chaos or perhaps I’m developing more of an appreciation for things being ordered.  I have one of those ‘odd and ends’ shops near me. The kind that sells everything…

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Creating a Sense of Cosy in the Home

I love the cosiness of the whole run up to Christmas with its warm spiced beverages, twinkling lights and festive film watching in cuddly blankets. For me creating this cosy atmosphere starts with the christmas tree which instantly transforms a room even when it’s just a baby one like ours. We’ve actually always had a fake one…

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